Fix the Fells are a team of skilled and extremely dedicated rangers and volunteers. Their mission is to protect and reduce erosion in the Lake District; a UNESCO World Heritage Site and perhaps one of Britain's best-loved landscapes - a place worth protecting. Their invaluable work involves tackling the erosion problem head on by heading into the Lake District fells throughout the year, to repair and maintain 344 upland paths covering 410 miles (661km).

As part of Montane’s commitment to protecting our playgrounds and correcting our path, we are proud to support the tireless work of Fix the Fells volunteers and rangers. Keep reading to find out how and what you can do to support their cause.

By working together we’re helping to keep the Lake District a special place for future generations to enjoy.

What are we doing to help?

We're committed to protecting the great outdoors which is why we volunteer each year with Fix the Fells, to directly support their vital work.

In addition to this, since 2023, we have given you the opportunity to donate to Fix the Fells at the checkout when you shop with us.

Meet the Fix the Fells Team. Ranger Caroline answers our Q&A

Come rain or shine the Fix the Fells team brave the elements to take on upland path repair in the Lake District. To find out more about the work carried out by them, we chatted with experienced volunteer-turned-ranger Caroline to discover…

How can you help?

Donate – Fix the Fells are reliant on grants and donations.

Volunteer – meet the team, learn new skills, and contribute to the longevity of Lake District paths.

Stick to the paths to minimise erosion and protect the ecology of the Lake District.

“A day out with the Fix the Fells team provided a hands-on appreciation of the level of commitment, hard work, and determination this group has towards making a difference in protecting the future of our outdoor spaces.”

- Liam Steinbeck, Montane Materials Manager

Taking Action

It’s no secret that we here at Montane love exploring the mountains of the Lake District National Park in our spare time. So, it was a privilege for some of our Montane HQ team to join forces with Fix the Fells for a day of fixing paths on Helm Crag, Grasmere.