ExpeDRY works through a permanent and chemical-free bonding of gold particles to the down cluster which aid in the evaporation of water molecules, causing the down to dry faster and stay dry in high humidity and extreme conditions.
The gold particles in the treatment generate the ‘excitement’ normally created by heat in the evaporation process, speeding up the vibration in the water molecule. The rate of evaporation is greater than that of absorption, which helps to create a drier insulative chamber. It also helps with internal moisture such as sweat during high-energy activities leading to more regulated warmth.

How does ExpeDRY GOLD synthetic insulation work?
The ExpeDRY gold particles create an electro-static shield that provides a small hydrophobic barrier and weakens the hydrogen bond that allows
water to form. By attacking the hydrogen bond of the water molecule, ExpeDRY helps keeps moisture from coalescing into droplets (as is the case with performance in use) and helps break that bond to help any water to dry faster.
This helps to create a drier insulative chamber in the product. It also helps with internal moisture such as sweat in high-energy activities which offers more regulated warmth.

Alpine 850 Nano Hooded Jacket
The Alpine 850 Nano Hoodie’s high-performance design keeps you warm in the high places without weighing you down. It’s filled with 60g (Medium) of high-quality, fast-drying 850 fill power ExpeDRY™ goose down, with panels of synthetic insulation in high-moisture areas for outstanding thermal efficiency.
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